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The 411

Name's John R.Park (it's legally Juan, but I prefer John or J.P.)
I'm 31,240+,brown hair and eyes, hairy, and for those into Astrology I'm an Aquarian (2/15/72).
L.A. born and raised.If ya wanna be P.C. I'm Mexican-American, if not simply Hispanic will do.
So I'm bi-racial,bi-lingual and that's as far as the train ride to "Bi-Town" takes me .

My father was a blue-eyed blond from Indianappolis,Indiana and my mother was born in Mexico(she became a U.S. CITIZEN in 1999).
I never met my father as my mother left him after I was born because he was an alcoholic. I later learned he passed away in 1980.

Being the child of an alcoholic I don't drink and I also don't smoke (my maternal grandmother smoked for the majority of her life, she passed away in 1992 at the age of 90).

I work as a homecare worker, taking care of my older brother who has Downs Syndrome, he's 39.

My Online Life

I'm online alot because it serves as an "escape".

I participate in online auctions (Ebay) and browse a multitude of sights I visit as part of my daily online routine. The 2 main AOL chat rooms i frequent are linked at the bottom of this page.


MUSIC(any kind),MOVIES(Japanimation,Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Animated, Comedies), SCI-FI novels,Video Games(PLAYSTATION), Action Figures, COMIC BOOKS (Marvel Comics X-MEN, UNCANNY X-MEN, Ultimate X-Men, X-Men Unlimited , The Ultimates ). And yes I'll admit it "Hi,my name is John, and I'm a techo-junkie" hmph wonder if there's a 12-step program for that.

I'm also a TV addict with my tastes ranging from sci-fi to comedies to drama.

Here's basically my TV week:

Monday- Boston Public
Tuesday- Buffy,Smallville, 24,
Wednesday- Enterprise, Dawson's Creek and Angel
Thursday- Must See Tv (Friends,Will & Grace,ER) Sabrina
Friday, John Doe
Saturday- Mutant X, Andromeda
Sunday- Futurama, King of the Hill, Simpsons, Charmed